Bee Rescue & Relocation!

State any laws where killing bees is now a crime / why we need bees / etc.

If you have bees you need removed and relocated, please contact us.


It's important not to take personal action against bees who are on your property.
Your actions could result in serious aggression from the bees and they may harm you or others nearby and as the property owner you would be held liable.

Don't use poisons!

Unfortunately many people make this mistake. For some reason peoples first instinct when confronting something in nature is to kill it.

Using poisons only triggers the bees defensive instincts when threatened. They will become aggressive and defend themselves and their young,  making your situation  much more dangerous than if you left them alone till a professional came to help. 



Don't block entrances

Some people see bees in the side of establishment and try to plug the entrance of a hive thinking it will suffocate the bees or possibly seal in their fate.

The result always backfires as the bees find another way out, most often throughout other areas of your establishment. If you thought angry bees on the outside of your building was dangerous, plugging their entrance can lead to more damage to you home or establishment, and cost more in the removal process.

This could put your guests or employees at risk, leading to an evacuation and complete halt in production during safe removal. 



Don't plug their entrance

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Swarms vs. Hives


Are the birth of a new colony of bees.
Swarms happen when a hive of bees either grows large enough to split and relocate, or when a hive was disturbed or forced to relocate. These are circumstances which lead the bees to search for a new destination, and this is typically when people find them on their property.


Are the birth of a new colony of bees.
Swarms happen when a hive of bees either grows large enough to split and relocate, or when a hive was disturbed or forced to relocate. These are circumstances which lead the bees to search for a new destination, and this is typically when people find them on their property.

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One of the more compassionate and direct ways help save the bees is through relocation, rather than extermination.  
Rescuing bees who swarmed to a residential or business establishment helps organic farmers in crop pollination. 


However it's safest and best to leave the bees alone and call a professional who can relocate them safely and professionally. A hive filled with angry bees will do anything to protect their hive and their young.


The bees keep their hive at a steady temperature of 93 degrees.
Without the bees to maintain the temperature inside the hive , things will overheat leading to the larvae, pollen, and nectar to all rot in your establishment. Soon after the wax comb will melt and the honey will leak everywhere throughout your establishment and ruin walls, ceilings, or floors.

The damage caused to the hive and honey will also welcome a variety of other rodents and pests to eat the honey and larvae. These pests include wax moths, mice, cockroaches, maggots, ants, and other insects and unwanted animals.

Swarms vs. Hives


Do you rescue bees from Businesses or Residential property?

I rescue bees from both residential and commercial properties.
With the decline of the bee population and Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), we need to save all the bees we can if we plan to eat a variety of foods and survive.

Businesses have used the opportunity to safely relocate bees to show their compassion towards this misunderstood creature, in order to draw in more audience and respect form the public.       


Why you should save bees.

Bees are the guardians of all life on our planet.
They are the planets life-force aiding through pollination of plant life.
Bees keep the entire planet in balance and without them, all life on earth would perish.

There are some 20,000 species of bees, all of which pollenate thousands of different plants, including many variety of trees which we depend on for oxygen.

Honey bees are necessary for the pollination of over 120 of our food crops.
Bees also pollinate alfalfa hay, which is widely used to feed our farm animals such as cows, pigs, goats, beef cattle, horses, chickens, and more.

You save Africanized bees?

Yes, not all honey bees have the aggressive temperament that the mainstream media falsely over reports. This is due to over 50 years of the africanized honey bees interbreeding with calmer temperament of bee colonies from all over the United States.

However, it is safest to avoid the bees and to give them their space. It's best not to tempt any bees, as they are instinctual creatures and their instinct is to defend themselves against anything they feel is a threat. They can and will become aggressive in defending their home and their young. "Safety first" is the best practice with wild animals.

My rescue process

My process is one that does not rely on chemical pesticides or harmful "bee vacuums."
I rescue bees entirely by hand. This is a process which brings an intimate connection between rescuer and bees during my rescue and relocation process.

This knowledge was passed down by my good friend Spencer Murphy and his team at while I was living in Southern California - Orange County.

Click the video link above to see the short video documentary I created during my time apprenticing and filming with Spencer Murphy and his business partner Dan at

Where do the bees go?

After a rescue I take bees from establishments like yours, and give them a nice home on organic farms I network with. From there, I can monitor the bees development, growth, and tend to them on a regular basis. This ensures the bees continue to grow as a strong, happy, and healthy colony.

What about other insects?

My passion is strongest with the honey bees.
While I am fascinated about everything in nature, my focus and devotion is in the honey bee species.


Do you offer extermination services? 

A misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about a creature should never end in death as a solution. I only want to help everyone and everything. I want to live by others happiness.

To me "every bee is a queen bee."
Saving our little pollinators means that I do not kill bees under any circumstances.
Bees are necessary for the survival of all life on our planet, and I do not wish to harm that which provides for all life on earth.


What costs can be involved in proper removals?

There are many variables which determine the price of bee removals.
The best way to get an honest idea of what the job will consist of, is to send photos of the area where the bees are located (if it is safe to do so).

Removal pricing depends on the size of the established colony, the hive location, specialty tools or people needed to gain access, and the time to complete the removal. For example, if a beehive is located in an city or state electrical box which requires a electrician from the state to gain access to, or at an altitude which requires a boom lift to reach, the price can vary.

Typically I charge a fee of $150/hr with a 2hr minimum during hive removals.


Competitive pricing & referrals

While a portion of the funds from my removals goes back to the community by way of creating beautiful informative educational videos for the public to learn from for free, I will offer a price discount of 10% off written estimates from reputable bee removal companies in the area.

For doing the right thing and helping me to save our honey bees, I do offer 7% referral fee from the price earned through referrals with friends, family members, or establishments as a way of giving back and expressing thanks back to you.




We do removals .... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah